Why won't my Syrian hamster have her babies?


New member
Jun 13, 2008
It's been 4-5 weeks since we had her and the male together, and we noticed about a week afterward that she was bigger and pear-shaped. We googled everything about we could about hamsters giving birth, and she hadn't started nesting yet so we cleaned out her cage one last time and left her alone. Within another week she was HUGE and nesting/hoarding her food. We had bought a little hut for her to have the pups in since she could no longer fit in the tunnels to get up to her normal sleeping area, and she was staying in that hut constantly (and she still is). She should have had the pups about 2 weeks ago I'm thinking, but she's still huge, her stomach is still tight and she's still nesting/hoarding food. Why isn't she having them? Is there something we can do to make her have them? Or is she just going to reabsorb them because it's been too long?