why was Google so deceptive about android upgrades to jelly bean or ice cream...


New member
Feb 3, 2013
...sandwhich? They concealed the fact that if you upgrade from gingerbread to ics or jellybean your RAM would totally freeze and be badly overwhelmed. You would need a minimum of 1 GB RAM for ics and around 2 GB RAM for jelly bean. Google was deceptive in the sense that it DID NOT list the hardware minimum requirements for the upgrade.

In fact they encouraged everyone to upgrade and those who did suffered from freezes and crashes due to insufficient RAM memory.

When these people requested their cell phone device maker to downgrade to gingerbread, these companies said, "we will charge a 40 dollar free for downgrading it". Now tell me isn't that a deception?

1) They don't mention the heavy resource usage when upgrading from gingerbread

2) They don't mention they will charge a fee to downgrade back to gingerbread.

At least Microsoft Corporation lists minimum hardware requirements for windows 7, windows 8 and vista too. It just didn't say that anyone from xp should do vista upgrade on same machine.

Being that android is an operating system too, wasn't it Google's obligation to warn of hardware requirements before upgrade?
Yes it was, but it's not their fault completely :)
Almost every company makes their own versions of android OS's, like htc, sony, etc...
So google doesn't know what companies will do with the original OS's code (because it's open-licensed OS)...
So the point is...maybe a company will make it as plain simple as possible, so it can be used on an older model without crashing, while others will make it hardware-advanced so you end up buying a newer-better-more expensive model :) That's just how it is...