Why shouldn't LGBT issues be discussed in Sex Education?


New member
Feb 3, 2013
I went to school in England, and the Sex Ed we had was all heterosexual man and woman, married to have a baby.

As a gay guy it didn't really make it easier to accept myself, I was in the closet so I couldn't ask the teacher about it. Should LGBT topic get a mention in sex education, I mean lack of education is one of the reason why HIV rates exploded in the west?

I remember my Mum was on the PTA, and being the Mum of a gay son she asked about it, and since it was a Catholic faith school the head teacher said there was no chance of it happening. Shouldn't school have to prepare us for adult life, not some outdated ideal that very few people confirm to ?
Well I was never told it , and I am only 22 so its only about 10 years since I first had it
So the neurological pathways in our brains are not a biological phenomenon? I suggest you read up on your definitions
NDMA - "The curriculum focuses on the reproductive system, fetal development, and the physical and emotional changes of adolescence, while information about contraception and safe sex is discretionary" - Its also Optional (Parents can pull out their kids) , Its not really suitable. The UK has a huge teen pregnancy problem as well, this is part of the cause.
NDMA - I don't accept that analogy. ID and Evolution are not equal. You are implying that LGBT people are less than Heterosexuals
Good question. I think you'll find that things have changed somewhat. And they'll continue to do so. Here in the US we lag pretty far behind in terms of tolerance, but even here it seems the country has pretty much come around to accepting gay marriage. I think once people have had a few years to get used to gay marriage, noting that the sky hasn't fallen, nobody has married a horse, and their children are just as safe as they've always been, attitudes will change. The marriage thing will have a huge normalizing effect for everyone.

Think about it. In 50 years even the bigots in this thread won't be willing to admit they were once anti-gay. It'll be like old men 50 years after the end of slavery, unable to admit they once held such awful beliefs, also unable to believe how quickly times changed and left them behind.
That is a really good point, possibly the best question asked here for a while.

It's because of religion, sorry but it's that simple. Society simply hasn't grown up enough to realize that man/man, woman/woman relationships are as equal as man/woman relationships and that humans' main objective is not procreation.

You sound like a very astute person, and I'm sure you'll have no worries picking up the education for yourself :) Just remember, always use protection!

I strongly believe that those topics should be addressed and there are people trying to get their voices heard about it. We have a GSA at my school which addresses those issues (HiV etc.) if needed. Maybe you should get one of your teachers to help start one or go online. I think in a few years it will be taught.
because not everyone feels the same way about understanding the sex roles. life. orientation and all that of gays .
and catholic faith is false :D

besides.... don't worry, in a few years , the world will accept gays :d but it won't last long
Why shouldn't bondage porn, pedophilia & bestiality be discussed? Because sex ed is biology. People's perverted sex fetishes are another subject.
I suppose that would depend on what the school sees as the purpose of sex education. If it is about how babies are made, and safe sex then LGBT really does not come into it, straight or gay you still put the condom on the same way and you still should use a condom every time. Interjecting LGBT into such a sex ed curriculum would equate to interjecting ID into an evolution curriculum.

Implication not intended. I will state it more clearly, Homosexually is non-reproductive and therefore really adds nothing to a class that is centered on human reproduction. Since your description of the curriculum suggests human reproduction is the primary focus of the class what purpose does adding LGBT to the class serve?
What should be taught is Gods unconditional love for you. Though you are struggling with the sickness of same sex attraction, He will meet you where you are. We live in a fallen world where sin abounds. But, the Good News is we do not have to be a slave to our sin. Jesus was sent to pay our sin debt. Humble yourself, call on Him and ask for forgiveness. He is faithful and will forgive you.