Why should we buy American cars after the big auto executives ?

Jul 3, 2008
went to Washington begging for money ?

I see the next bailout to be a bust unless something is done about the stupid café standards. These powerful execs, should have demanded that the government drop its requirements in forcing Detroit to go green.
We should not buy American cars, because they tend to suck. We should exercise rationality and buy the BEST we can afford. If you buy something that sucks (comparatively), because it's American, what reason do American auto-makers have to truly improve?
So don't spend money on a car. Or buy the car you like.

I'd rather see the money going to fix Detroit automakers—with accountability—than directly into the pockets of banking executives, no strings attached.
I agree, considering what GM did to the electric car. So I bought myself a little hybrid from Japan a few years ago.
The cars should go green. We don't need anymore monster trucks that suck oil and make us the the slaves of the Arabs. That makes the US weak, to be dependent on anyone.
We should buy American cars because they are quality and we want to, not for any other reason.
Are you going to be refusing to trade on Wall Street, or refusing to deal with banks, or refusing to live in the states that are hinting for a bailout?
I agree. Chrysler did the same exact thing 3 decades ago, and it only made the situation worse. Even worse, they think it's "government" money, it's actually taxmoney out of our pockets.
the only reason to buy American cars is that they are American, that reason alone is why I do. I live 15 blocks from a Chrysler plant. I see how layoffs affect the community.