Why should there be a high-speed train from NY City to Washington DC?

If there is an ECONOMIC demand for it, should be the ONLY reason for its existence.

As for Beijing/Kazakstan, you'll have to ask THEM!

“I support the two party system… one on Friday night, and one on Saturday night.” -- HeeHaw

Republican since before she was born… and PROUD of it.
What are trains really really good for? http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6157/6222848413_5832cfcfe5_z.jpg

Better tracks mean faster and more armaments get shipped where needed. Which means you need fewer to control larger areas. Let alone the support needed is simplified.
Alleviate freeway congestion, save fuel, cut down on the loss of life in accidents, cut down on pollution,
and about a dozen other things Cons don't give a rats ash about.

You ever drive in China? Taking the train can save your life.
More than that why should we pay for a high speed train from NY to DC?
As for one from Beijing to Kazakhstan You would need to ask the Chinese.