Why is there allways some Atheists kids on here whining about how horrible there


New member
Dec 11, 2011
middle class life is? they really make me sick.. There are people suffering in this world and here they arewhining about how mommy made them pray... Why dont they grow up? Even when I was a teen I was above the kids BS they think there all that matters.. They think there suberbian coddled life is sooo bad there allways bitching and moaning about religion and stupid crap that really dont matter why dont they get off mommys tit? At the age of 16 I was in Military School not whining about how my great life sucks they need to suck it up and get outta there kid brain and get an adult brain.. Time to man up.. Buncha maggots that cant handle real life and are not equipped to handle real life.. Its no wonder people my age are such wimps and crybabys because when us twenty somethings were in school most of us got spoiled.. Well not me
I was not a middle class, but was and still am working class, and seriously why does that matter? Every one has the right to have an opinion and a voice, even you.

Everyone has the right to believe or not as they choose.

The government has to be secular and remain neutral to everyone.

That is it.

"Man up to what exactly" Sure lots of things are not great in the world, but only by talking and by doing can we fix them.

Its called freedom.
Because they dont have God in their life so they feel like something is missing. They're usually depressed emos.
I'm glad military school taught you something at least, spelling and grammar obviously weren't part of the curriculum.