Why is the republicans complaining about Obama projected Deficits, but not GWB...


New member
Oct 3, 2008
...when he was running up deficits? Obama and his team is a lot better than the last Bush/GOP have been for the country over the past eight years. Since Reagan came into office the GOP has run up the deficit by 11 Trillion, so much for fiscal responsibiity.

Starting with Reagan the GOP orchestrated the greatest transfer of wealth to a limited number of people while driving the economy into a hole. The country took 28 years getting in this mess because easy hid the transfer as people used their home as ATM’s to make up for declining incomes.

When 70% of the U.S economy is based upon personal consumption it is hard to believe how anyone cannot understand how the concentration of wealth is detremental to our economy. I am very tired of people gribbing about paying taxes when taxes represent “opportunity cost”.

I am very tired of the GOP pushing tax cuts and deregulation as the solution of all everything. We have seen the results of no regulations in the financial sector and the country has a mountain of debt. the regulations are only implemented when enough people get tired of being abused/ripped off.

It is time for the GOP to step up and demand tax increases on the wealthest now with taxes increasing on lower income segments as the economy improves. There is no Santa Claus, we the people have to pay this bill and it time to get on with it.

The desire for smaller government can only be achieved when the people have to pay the full cost today. it is unreasonable for anyone to expect otherwise when the free market system has been selling the line “you can have today, you can have it your way, and you don’t need to pay, just charge it”.
Look at the Deficts Reagan ran up and what GWB ran up and tell me again my facts are wrong.