Why is my quizfarm quiz not Showing accurate results?


Feb 18, 2008
I'm new at this, I thought it would be fun to make a quizfarm quiz but so far it isn't going so well. It took a while, I finally finished it but in the end my results are not consistent, here's an example:

You Scored as You are Thessalonike, Macedonian sister of Alexander the Great

After her death, Thessalonike was put into the sea where she returned as a mermaid. She brought terror to those who answered her question wrong: "Is Alexander the King alive?" answer, "He lives and still rules." and you will be fine. Answer any other way and she turns into the Kraken, and destroys all who are present in a great rage. Qualities: Cold, ruthless, fierce

You are the African deity Mami Wata, mother of water and fish
You are the Mermaid of Laane, Queen of the Northern Seas
You are Aycayia, the Neo-Taino seductress
You are one of the Nereids, company of Poseidon
You are Atargatis, the chief Goddess of the Syrians
You are Thessalonike, Macedonian sister of Alexander the Great

The bar graph is correct but for some reason the picture and text always show up as Thessalonike. The quiz for the most part is done, I have a little editing to do and I have to figure out why the results are screwy. Does anyone know what's wrong? I haven't been able to figure it out thus far.