Why is my nokia e71's internet slow all of a sudden?


New member
Feb 13, 2013
I've delete all my messages and sent messages and cleared the cache and history, but it's still going slow it goes into google fast but then when I try and go into anything else it takes ages to load or doesn't load properly, what should I do?
all recent mobile phones have efficient built-in modem you can even use it as modem for your pc, they can exchange data up to 3.2m b/ s, other models even higher but not comparable to landlines but first of all can i ask you basic questions: 1. what type of internet contract do you have, abbonament or prepaid? 2. what internet package offer do you have: by volume or time, limited or unlimited? 3.how much do you pay for your internet connection?@@@ to tell you franckly all internet provider are cutting off the data exchange rate at a certain time or volume or quantity down to 64b/s or less. consult your provider.