Why is my hamster scared of me .?


New member
Jul 29, 2008
my hamster is a roborovski hamster . had him since august 8th and today and november 10th . i dont know any suggestions
This is why:
Just put him on your lap inside a bed with a bottom to it. Don't force him out, and let things go one stage at a time.

If possible, try and find a proper breeder next time. They will come ready tame and bred from healthier stock, so they're good for anyone. Whether you're an experienced hamster owner or a little new to them, getting them from a breeder is always a hundred times better. It is less likely to fall ill, will be friendlier, and you can get support from the original breeder.
this type of hamster is renowned for being timid and it takes time with them to get them to become friendly and sometimes they are not the best choice in hamsters.
first you will have to try getting hinm to eat from your hand but never feed him through the spars of the cage since this will teach him to bite as he will think anything you put ear the spars of his cage is food even your fingers.
once you get him eating from you for a while you can begin by pputting the food into the palm of your hand instead of feeding him with your finger tips this way he will eventually climb on to u hand but you should try to never put your hand over him since most small types of animal freak when you do that
Probably because you are 100X as tall as the little thing, and 100X as large. That's like the difference in size between me and a whale.

Try putting something with your scent in it's living space, and it may get used to your scent in time.
It takes a while you get your hamster use to you.

You should try putting some seeds or any kind of

food on your hand and let it crawl up and eat it, it works very well!

Good luck hope this helps!
What kind of cage do you have him in? We had our in a 30 gallon glass tank and he got used to watching our every move. Even got used to the cats checking him out. We've had hamsters. gerbils and white mice and have found gerbils and mice to be the more social of the three. Have you tried dangling tidbits of food on a string and enticing him to play. If you don't try to play with him regularly he's not going to be to comfortable with your presence but probably the more you make your presence a regular thing he should start getting used to you. Good luck.