Why is it that my cat likes me more then anyone else in my whole family?


New member
Mar 21, 2009
It has always fascinated me that my cat (Chloe) seems to prefer my company more then anyone else in my family. I do not know what it is but when I return home from being out for a day Chloe would be waiting for me. She would be outside (where she will wait and not go inside for long periods of time), she would follow me from room to room and is more inclined to sleep on my bed then any one else's, she would even sleep on my lap when I am sitting somewhere that is not my room.

I do not know if it is I or something else that is the reason towards why she prefers my company. Her behavior shows either obsessive or neediness because she would 'meow' continually when I am not around and as I mentioned, wait for me until I showed my face, and it is all for me.

I find this flattering at best because whatever the reason, she seems to like me more then any other.

Do cats choose who they like more or are they not particular with anyone? She can be a little violent with others, especially when food is concerned. If someone comes up to her and attempts to pet her on the back she would growl, and when eating she would attack. With me however, she would allow me to pet her and would not show any hostility to my presence.