Why is it socially acceptable for a woman to look out after her best


May 18, 2008
interest, but not for a man. If a woman? enters a marriage with a man of lesser financial means than herself and therefore wants a prenup, all the women in her circle will encourage her to do so and be very understanding that she needs to protect herself.
When the situation is reversed then lines are uttered such as "you shouldnt get married if you think of divorce".
I suppose that it's based on the outdated way of thinking in our society that a woman is there to stay, while a man will run away (usually with his secretary). I haven't actually met any women that wanted to get a prenup, so really am unfamiliar with how friends react, but I suppose it's more of a "protection against him running off" and experience with having been treated badly that cause women to band together and encourage this sort of thing. Whereas with a man, it is assumed that the woman can be trusted, so what would you need a prenup for? It is an outmoded way of thinking, for sure. Ignore everyone else, if you feel like you need protection, get protection.
Both sides will get that answer at one point. There are many people in this world that assume that signing a pre-nup means that the couple would get a divorce at one point.
I would tell a woman that is of lesser financial means to have a pre-nup because it can cut a lot of the hassles of divorce out if it does happen, which I doubt. Less time with a divorce lawyer is a good thing. But it also doesn't mean that you will automatically divorce after a certain time. It is a just in case this happens?