Why is Irish fashion so behind?


New member
Jul 8, 2008
I'm Irish but I live in London, and compared to here the way people dress in Ireland looks like it's from 1996. I can understand why it is in Eastern European countries, but Ireland is so close and similar to Britain, everything else is up to speed, so why ave we been left in the dredges clothing-wise?
Every 29 years Britain sends over there clothes that get flung out or taken to charity ships to 3rd world countries like Kenya, Ethiopia, Republic of Ireland etc etc
Ireland isn't the third world. It's probably because Ireland doesn't have such frivolous worries such as fashion, they are a hard warning people and they have their own way of life. Free from the bounds of social "norms".
Hmm i think it depends on the person and their style.Everyone has their own style,i was in Dublin yesterday and there were people with amazing fashion sense and then people who prefer their comfy and casual.I'm sure there are people like that in London too!
The uk also has way more shops to choose from,here in ireland everyone orders online to get a better selection.I don't understand how you think everyone dresses like their in the 90's?a small minority of people yes,but not everyone :)

*also,to the person who thinks Ireland is a third world country..we are certainly not!