Why is everyone so jealous that Obama n wife is taking a vacation to ireland?


New member
Jun 19, 2013
Maybe those angry jealous people should have to clean up the mess of what a macaque monkey made, for 8 years, and be given no vacation or rest at all for 8 years. Lets see how well they would fair.

What do u think is the reason they are so jealous that the airforce is giving the president's wife a vacation to Ireland?
Most believe he is not good enough and he does deserve this lifestyle.
Michelle Obama was never elected to political office and should be scrupulous in ensuring she isn't seen to be tacking on personal holiday breaks and foreign travel as some sort of freebie bonus of her husband's job - funded by taxpayers.
Official State visits to a foeign country normally include a President or other Leader's spouse so she's entitled to enjoy such. But where her presence is not required, she's rightly open to criticism for 'hitching all-expenses paid rides' no ordinary wife can enjoy.
You may suggest critics are motivated by jealousy - others will regard it as a point of principle and the 'First Lady' setting a good example.
Jealous? I'm not jealous, I'm pissed off! My coworkers and I are having our salaries cut back because we on furlough. Furloughs brought about because the government is "too broke" to pay it's bills, so - "sorry ol' boy, we'll have to take it out of your paycheck!"

I have to cutback and tighten my belt, while Obama and Congress and IRS go on expensive "conferences" in exotic locales? Do you really think I'm that stupid?

Do you really think you can keep blaming Bush for everything? How could Bush have been such an idiot and Obama the smartest guy ever in the White House, yet he can't repair the damage done by an imbecile? How can you deny that everything bad about Bush, Obama has done the same 10x worse??

Deficit spending? Bush doesn't hold a candle to Obama and his $15 TRILLION national debt.
Government snooping? If the Patriot Act was so bad, why didn't Obama cancel it? Instead, he signed to NDAA of 2012 that goes even further with civil rights violations, like indefinite detention without trial, without reason and without representation by a lawyer.
It is your assumption that they are jealous. It is more that the first family can be so careless
with spending so much of the people's money...with no thought to how many are jobless at home.