Why is Europe considering raising interest rates when gdp growth is so poor?


Active member
May 13, 2008
The Euro zone gdp growth is currently running at a very anemic 0.4% annual growth rate as reported in the last quarter. Although prior quarters were slightly better, they were also anemic and it appears that belt tightening in Europe has caused gdp growth to slow. It would seem that higher interest rates could possibly cause Europe to again dip into recession. Also the Bank if England is considering raising interest rates and the UK gdp shrank in the last quarter.

The following are the gdp growth rates for the major economies of Europe.

Euro Area 0.4%
France 0.3%
Germany 0.4%
Italy 0.1%
Spain 0.2%
UK -0.6%

Do you think Europe has given up trying to grow their economy and hope the US will lift economies worldwide with its below average 2.8% gdp growth rate? That may seem ridiculous but of the major economies, only China and India have a faster gdp growth rate than the US.