Why has the Chief Rabbi of Judaism or a Grand Imam of Islam not spoken out about...


May 13, 2008
...equal sex marriage in the UK? So far only the Roman Christians have made statements from the safety of the pulpit to attack the legalization of marriage for equal sex partners.
Are we yet to hear from the Anglicans,Methodists,Presbyterians,Pentecostals,Evangelicals,Baptists who make up main frame Christianity Incorporated Franchise.
As the Christians and the Muslims say they are from the book and from the seed of Abraham and the religions that followed from that are we going to hear the Chief rabbi and the Grand Imam join forces with the Archbishops and even the Holy Father in Rome to set up a Grand Council of Faiths to challenge the Secular Sensationalist Christianophobes who are doing their utmost to undermine and attack insidiously the precepts and conditions of these faiths that see homosexuality as a gross sin against faith and God.
What say you to this?