Why has my boyfriend not been shunned by his Jehovah's witness family members?


New member
Jul 2, 2008
Not that I want him to be shunned I am just curious as to why he stopped going to meetings 12 years ago and his family still is in contact with him. Here is some background: He was raised JW and was a baptised member. When he was around the age of 18 he decided not to go to meetings anymore. He says he still has some of the respects some of the beliefs (religious beliefs, but he has also said that he won't take blood) and neglects others (will come to Christmas and celebrate birthdays). He has also said that he has no interest in becoming an active member again in his life. Well, I know 2 other JW's that have similar background stories and have zero contact with their family, they were completely shunned. My boyfriend's parents and siblings are baptised members and still have contact (although they all live about 12 hours dirve away) we still visit them. They seem to be outwardly ok with me even though I am not JW and have intention of becoming one either. I have asked him why he stopped going and he jsut shrugs and says that he didn't want to go anymore and I have asked him why his family has not shunned him as they are normally forced to do and he just says, "they just haven't." Has anyone ever heard of this before or do you think there is something that I am not being told? (Such as an intention of going back to the faith.)