Why don't people see that Jesus Christ character that never exist nor


New member
Oct 30, 2011
the crucifixion concept? Why Christians, Jews, and Muslims don't see the truth that Jesus Christ character that actually never exist? There are deceptions of Jesus tomb, Ossurary, Crucifixion & other Christian myths. Ignorant scholars are clueless of the writings on the tomb that are FORGERIES why is that? Why are they clueless? Well, there is absolutely no evidence, zero. Alot of people don't realize the name "Christ" "Christus" means the Anointed savior or Messiah. The only PERSON from 2,000 years ago and written in history in Roman accounts, the only PERSON that actually has that title of a CHRIST. He is the son of Venus, Iulius Caesar. He was a CHRISTUS. He is believed he was resurrected, there's temples, there are epigraphy that proves that everybody believed he was ressurected. And Crucifixion, ZERO evidence that Romans crucified people because they're a mistaken translation where you can see Roman in epigraphy and there's zero evidence because putting someone on a cross which is symbol of a sun represents DIVINITY. And if you wanna punish somebody you put them on the ground, tied them up with ropes or cut there heads off and put them on pikes, that's Roman punishment. But people are ignorant of history and ill-educated that believe in superstitions, why is that? If anyone who is very educated on this, please give me a good answer. THANKS