Why don't Democrats complain about the Patriot Act any more?

Because not everyone acts like Sheep and just recites party-line rhetoric like you're doing...

Be a Chess player. Don't just be a Checkers player in life....
NO. It's because we know he couldn't have gotten rid of it, since the Senate voted 97 - 3 to continue it. Maybe you think he could have vetoed it and not be overturned?
This is right wing ignorance at it's finest. You are completely unaware that democrats are complaining and protesting the patriot act constantly. We go to rallies, we call and write our congressmen and we hold protests. As liberals this is our number one complaint about Obama. We tell anyone who will listen. We knew from day 1 that he was to the right of Clinton and not a liberal.

You, the armchair genius decide from your mom's basement that the protests have ended. You don't check to make sure. Then you blurt it out on the internet like you know something.
They were never against it. They were only against anything Bush did. The simple fact that they stopped complaining about once Obama was elected is proof positive.
This is yet another promise O'Bama did not keep! In 2011 he signed a 4 year extension!


I don't know why Democrats have not complained about it. It does show their hypocrisy though.
Guess you weren't paying attention those last few years under Bush...

the Dems stripped a lot of the worst parts out of it... so much so that Bush was CRYING about it... he couldn't do anything but sign it when it got to him though...

it's a lot better than it was
He extended it, that's why. It was only wrong when it was republicans who did it. And oh what a bunch of crying whining tantrum throwers they were too! Yet not only has the Patriot Act been extended the last I heard we now have drones!! Drones that can spy and kill without a trial.