Why doesn't he pick up?


New member
Jan 21, 2009
I have this guy's number, and I like him so so much. But every time I call him, he doesn't pick up. my friends say that he doesn't pick up usually. He only texts and the problem there is that I can't text..... What does this mean? and what do I do?
You do nothing other than move on with your life. He's one guy in a sea of many. What does it mean? sounds like it means he's a moron that has something wrong with him. Texting is like using the telegraph, you kids step back in time after all the advancement in technology. If he can't pick up the phone then it might be because he has some guys dick in his mouth and it's easier to text you in that case. MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE.
Well if your friends are telling you he doesn't pick up usually, then he's probably not avoiding you.
Get one of your friends to send him a text asking him to call you or something.
I have a friend thats a guy thats just like that...(were just friends) but anyways..yea some guys just dont like tot alk on the phone.If u call him 10 times in a row he wont answer. He'll only text...i asked him y and he said cuz guys dont like to talk on the phone sooo theres ur answer =] Ask one of ur friends after school one day or something if u can see their phone to text him....and tell him its u.
Explain to him that you can't text and to pick up the phone next time you call when you talk to him in personal. He may not be avoiding you.
Hmm...this has happened to me b4....it could just be he doesn't really pick up that much...i dont know...but im sure it has nothing to do with not liking you