Why does usa complain about the economy, but preserve the right of an employer to...


New member
Jan 27, 2011
...fire people for no reason? If people could only be fired for doing something wrong, then they'd be more comfortable spending money.

Besides that: Companies in usa are financially pushed to fire employees and replace them every few years, and have little reason to take long term consideration onto their hiring processes.

I'm just wondering why the rights of employees are the first things to go, rather than the right to abuse employees, considering how many examples inside and outside of usa have shown that making employees comfortable, healthy, and happy leads to higher profits, and stronger businesses.
Michael H: It's only cheaper for a few years. Then you fire the old employees, pay a few fees, and hire someone new for much lower salaries, and fewer fringe benefits. You write in contracts that allow for better advantages for the company at the expence of the employee, and while this sounds great for strengthening employees, it fails compared to companies that honor their workers.
Creed: I have a college education,a nd a budiness that says you don't know what you are talking about.

laughter, we both know there is a difference between getting layed off, and getting fired. The system works here in the states, and also over seas, and I think the completely uneducated answers I've received show the real answer. Americans have no idea what's going on around them. They hear someone say something, and accept it, and repeat it, and even argue that it's a realistic idea, no matter how long that system has failed. I think americans are scared, and because you don't know what to do, you'll just do what your told. You're too afraid to change.
charles C: You contradicted yourself by dehumanizing the "broom pushers" and indicating that you had no problem firing them. Why did you hire them so carelessly, only to fire them so easily? Because the law says you can. If you were forced to consider who you hired carefully, then you would know before you hired them that they were janitors and not "broom pushers". Then your employees would have a better sense of financial security, because they would know they would most likely still have their job tomorrow. That would lead to spending, and that would lead to a better economy.
people don't get fired for 'no reason'..the employee may not want to admit to being fired by stating 'no reason', but there is ALWAYS a reason..the level of economy reaches far beyond an employee..& businesses also spend a LOT of money on ea prospective employee, so they truly don't like playing revolving door with them...you are very limited in your knowledge of the economy..& we all know that it's productivity that gets results, not smiling faces...employers here are not all deadbeats...we all know that there are a lot of employee deadebeats that feel entitlted...