Why does Religion have to be a contest of who is better, smarter, right, wrong?


May 18, 2008
This is the reason i despise of religion. Almost all of religious texts say to be kind to the fellow human. But Ever since Religion has been created, its most likely has caused more hardship than help. I mean think about the crusades, holocaust, witch trials, and countless other acts committed for a God. It is ridiculous. Especially when i see that people now-a-days are excluded and shunned from other people just for not having faith in a particular sect. Even kids that go to my school are almost taught not to hangout with kids that are not Christian. So iam wondering, has the true meaning of religion been lost? It shouldn't matter what you believe in, so long as you believe in fellow mankind. That we are all here to help and benefit each other. And if there is a God,it is a giant douche. If it is there, it needs to start doing his job. But anyways, back on track, why do you think religion has to be split into who is better?
I think it's because deep down theists know they are wrong, so that makes then insecure, therefore their egos are fragile.
Remember the saying about absolute power. Many religious folk, not all mind you but many of them, believe that taking control over the afterlife gives them the ultimate power here on earth. I don't see anywhere in the bible where it says that Christians are the only ones going to heaven. I believe that all religions are generally good as far as their precepts are followed. I feel that it is human nature to try to one-up the rest of us and unfortunately that mindset has penetrated the religious community. Take heart, not all of us religious folk are bad.