Why does only the Catholic Church have saints and not the Christian spin-off...


New member
Aug 18, 2008
...religions? Why haven't Baptists and Protestants and the other churches started in the past couple of hundred years jumped on the sainthood bandwagon? It's also a business opportunity for cards, books and tourist destinations...
Protestant churches honor saints such as Joseph and Mary but they do not worship them so they do not play an important role in their faith.Worship of anyone or anything other than God,Jesus and the Holy Spirit, such as the false god NATION,constitutes the practice of idolatry.:be polite:
That was one of the main points that protestants broke off from Catholicism, they objected to the idea of saints. Read up on the history.
1) Why does only the Catholic Church have saints and not the Christian spin-off religions?

This is not an accurate claim. The obvious exceptions: Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodox Church, Assyrian Church of the East. The less obvious but more glaring exceptions: the Anglican Communion, Lutheranism (both of which have saints and both of which are very large Protestant sects).

2) Why haven't Baptists and Protestants and the other churches started in the past couple of hundred years jumped on the sainthood bandwagon?

One of their fundamental teachings is that the word "saint" refers to any devout Christian and not specifically to dead or miracle-causing or especially holy Christians.

- Jim, http://www.bible-reviews.com/
Because the creation of saints goes against the teachings of the new testament! Even under Christianity you are supposed to worship none other than your god.