why does my ex boyfriend contact me/want to meet/still go on holiday?he broke up


May 12, 2008
with me!? o sorry for the long post...am just at my wits end and feel so gutted :(
Why does my ex boyfriend still want to go on holiday with me?We just broke up!?he says he has really been looking forward to going away...with me and still is looking forward to it and that "we need a break" ie a holiday.it seems as though it could be a solution to stuff going on here stress at work etc.this was said when he was breaking up with me and when we were discussing....
My ex boyfiend dumped me out of the blue on monday. we would have been together for 5 months. i was totally shocked given that he has alwyas been the one that has been more interested in me. it took a long while for me to establish that this relationship was something special.his reasons for breaking up are, "we dont click", he just doesnt feel the same anymore, he doesnt get excited to see me like he used to, he hasnt missed me over the past week when i hadnt seen him. i asked him how long he has been feeling this way which he replied "a couple of weeks" which to me is not that long in the grand schem of things. i spent the whole weekend at his house a couple of weeks ago (all his idea-he was not playing football and wanted me there) and we had a really nice time, get on well, good banter, affectionate and no sign whatsoever that he was getting cold feet. when i was 5 minutes down the road from leaving his house he had already text saying "it was amazing spending time with you this weekend have a safe journey"and was constantly texting like he usually does for the rest of the day. alwyas reeeeally sweet funny messages.calls me, and if i call and he misses the clll he will immediately call back. we went away for a long weekend a couple of months ago which was lovely, we booked a 2 week holiday to the bahamas just a month ago which we meant to be going on in a month!!he says he still wants to go with me, not because its easy (as i have booked it it is in our names etc...i mean we could easily change the names) he says coz he knows we will have a great time, can imagine throwing me in the water, having a laugh etc and we need a break.)he said even if cheryl cole wanted to go he wouldnt want to, the other only person would be his father!!he says he wants to be friends, i havent done anything wrong and that he thinks we will see more of eeach other now we have broken up.nb we dont live close to each other and havent got same circle of friends so its not exactly easy)when i left his after the breakup talk he text me an hour later saying he looks forward to seeing me next week (we have arranged this)if he has been feeling this way for a couple of weeks why has he been texting saying the cutest things ever and acting like he really cares, holding hands, tactile etc etc

what does this all mean?is he wanting to meet me out of pity?still go away with me as thinks it will let me down gently??i am sooo confused!but i want him back.this behaviour is totally the contrary of the best part of our relationship. please help!!any suggestions as to what is going on would be greatly appreciated :)xxx
he says that his colleagues say he is a commitment phobe.does also the fact that he was adopted as a baby affect the way he is behaving??
he has initiated all text contact since he broke up with mindless chat!!i really dont get it!

he says he doesnt want any girlfiend for a long time and that he wants to go to australia.reasons are a bit poor to be honest, one being the weather here being crap and its "some job opportunity" when he mentioned this to me on the phone i said he couldnt go coz i liked him too much and i would miss him.his response was "well come with me then" to which i replied "er no" i was so shocked with the rest of the chat.
he has contacted me via text/work email and instant message on facebook this evening-every day since we broke up a week ago.on sunday he wanted to see when i was free next week!why?!?i really do want him back and do believe that we work well together. It would be a shame to throw what we had away.he has told me he loves me 4 times and he never felt this way about a girl before-never wanted to go on holiday with a girlfriend before even!i never told him i loved him.would this affect the way he is behaving?

i know he is definitely not seeing another girl, talks to his parents about me all the time etc etc and facebook comments all over my profile.this is why its odd because he has always been more forward than me...it seems like i pushed for a bit more that weekend and he flipped at me getting annoyed with him for being ill/not spending the long weeken.aggggh! sorry for how long this is i just dont know what to do :(