Why does my cat sometimes wee next to the litter box?


Jun 13, 2008
We have a new cat, approx 12 yrs old that we got from a rescue centre, and provide her with 2 trays. She always poos in one of them and pees a lot in the other, but approx once a day she also pees next to them, even if there is nothing in either and they have just been cleaned!! Sometimes it is as if she waits for them to be cleaned then goes and pees besides them!

There does not seem to be a problem with the litter, or the trays or location as she uses them, it is just annoying that for no reason she sometimes decides not to pee in them! It is a laminated floor, not sure if that makes a difference? Once or twice she peed on the rug in the lounge, but seems to have stopped that now and will always go in or around or tray.

Oh, sometimes she pees and poos in the same tray also. We did only have one tray to start and the same happened. 2 trays hasn't really made much difference.

Please help!!
she might have a bladder infection ask your vet. have you changed the type of litter? have you tried thr crystals or compacted newspaper?
she might have a bladder infection ask your vet. have you changed the type of litter? have you tried thr crystals or compacted newspaper?
A 12-year old cat is really getting old. I would say her eyes or senses might be going, which is why she misses the litter box. there is nothing you can really do at this point.