Why does he want to meet me SO badly?


May 13, 2008
Okay, so a new tenant just moved into the house my parents own and rent out. My mom has met her and her son, but I have only met her, not her son. Her son keeps asking his mom if I'm cute and pretty, and she says he reeaaly wants to meet me. He is 16 and I'm 15. He goes to a high school where I'm sure there are plenty of girls. It's not like he's home schooled like me. Why do you think he wants to meet me so badly.
Thanks everyone for your opinions! :) Please nothing mean, thanks!!
He's a dude. And what do straight dudes like? Cute girls. He wants to get to know you, maybe score a date.
Mothers tend to exaggerate and also be surprisingly manipulative when it comes to setting up their kids. Especially if she thinks you're cool and wants her kid to date you. He might have said something like, "Is she cute?" or "When do I get to meet her?" and she blew it out of proportion hoping to get something started.
He's curious. He wants to get to know u, he might want to be in a relationship right now and u might be the obe he wants
Is cuz he wants to get laid every night knowing a pretty girl lives next door... REASONING: Hes a teenaged boy