why does everyone keep saying that i whine or i am a troll?


Jun 4, 2008
why am i a troll for asking questions about unfairness to military girlfriends?i have freedom of speech and no one can stop that right.i just want a simple answer that is all.but everyone keeps being mean to me and telling me to get married to my boyfriend.we do not want to anytime soon,how many times do i have to say that?

i keep asking because i know it is someone out there that agrees with me that's all.i do not mean to be any harm or cause anyone to be upset.
Yes, you have freedom of speech. Not that it really applies on a privately owned message board like Y!A, but ignorance is just one of you many charms. You whine constantly. I imagine your boyfriend (and I fully understand why he hasn't popped the question yet) is currently begging to be deployed to Afghanistan just to escape you.

To be clear: To the US army, you have no official existence. Girlfriends are not family members. You do not count. You are nothing. There's another possibility. All of these events that you seem to be blocked from are open to girlfriends, but you boyfriend is ashamed to have his chain of command meet you.

Now stop posting the same bloody question every day.
Maybe people here are really tired of your stupidity. Life isn't fair, who told you it was supposed to be fair? If you want to be treated like a wife in the eyes of the military, then go to the courthouse and say "I do".
I was the one who called you a troll.

The reason why is because I am baffled how you can ask the same question, over and over and still not get “it.”


Your problem is not with us; It is with your boyfriend who won't marry you. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together understands the concept that if you are not married, then you don't get legal rights/benefits as a spouse. You are either a tenacious troll or stupid. If you don’t want to marry anytime soon then that is your problem. Don’t come on here yelling about how unfair life is because you are not respected as a spouse when you are not a spouse. Your entire premise is a contradiction.
You again!

Boohoooo…..your boyfriend won’t marry you. Stop coming here every 5 days yelling at us because you are just a girlfriend. Stop giving away the milk for free and having his babies. The reason why the military won't grant a gf benefits is because you are disposable. Deep down, I think you know that.
if you don't really ask a quesiton and merely rant, that's a violation and if you do it w/ the specific intent of inciting others, that's trolling. this site has rules you had to agree to in order to use it, including limiting your speech. there isn't realy any such thing as complete freedom of speech and the supreme court has ruled on this.
funny how every single damn time you swear somebody agrees with you NO BODY DOES.

Bottom Line: you want the benefits, then DO WHAT IS REQUIRED BY LAW TO GET THEM

period, end of subject. do not pass Go do not collect $200.
you have the right to do any thing you want, you owe no one an apology or explanation for what you and yours do.Forget other people and do what makes you happy. good luck