Why does everybody whine about grunge killing metal?


May 16, 2008
Grunge didn't kill metal, it just became more famous than the stock standard hair metal. But everyone decides now they'll interpret it in their own little way, "ooh such and such at the NME told me smashing pumpkins are better than extreme and mr big" or, "man I'm so glad nirvana killed warrant". Hair metal didn't suck- while it reached a point of over saturation so did grunge. Bands like def leppard could easily come up with stuff as intellectual as Alice in chains, just because they had a few songs like make love like a man or pour some sugar on me it becomes a thing of "oh grunge killed off unoriginal gay metal"

Metallica, Guns N Roses, Pantera, Queensrÿche etc all still had quite a lot of fame, and I think now that everyone's been conditioned to be grunge lovers it's all "love everything that isn't hair metal or dubstep Ew critics don't like that why should I"

Glam metal gets hate not because of the music, but because of the long hair and glam looks... many people have been brainwashed to believe those looks are weird, "cheesy" or "gay". To me having long straight hair is a blessing, instead of having to be a shaved-head due to lack of hair or any other ugly condition. Others call glam 'cheesy' because of the lyrics... and let me tell you, the most important thing in music, is music. If I wanted to hear complicated poems, I would read Shakespeare while listening to jazz instead. Other teens have been brainwashed about how long hair looks "femenine", so by that retarded thinking...Beethoven. Chopin, Mozart, King Arthur, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Paul Revere and George Washington LOOKED FEMENINE TOO, right?. As for grunge, bands like Alice in Chains doesn't sound like thousands of other generic angry teens because they have strong heavy metal influences. Grunge went mainstream over Glam and heavy metal, just like rock went over jazz, and like electropop went over grunge for too many reasons to explain (one of them is labels greed, another is the increasing cost of a dedicated musical education) but there's a pattern that you shoud have noticed by now:
classical -> jazz -> rock -> metal -> grunge -> rap -> electropop -> ?
in other words, mainstream has gone DOWNHILL after the metal peak.
Anyone who knows what they're talking about doesn't whine about one genre killing another.

Grunge had nothing to do with hair metal dying off. Hair metal killed itself off with too much excess. The bands that had staying power are still around (Twisted Sister, Motley Crue, Poison, Def Leppard), while the bands that were just riding a fad faded away.

You see the same thing in every genre of music. The bands or artists that have actual talent and can grow as an artist will stick around, while the bands or artists that get signed because they happen to be similar to the latest trend will be gone in 5 years.

To illustrate my point: How many rock and grunge bands were around in the 90's that had one or two hit songs? Where are those bands now? All the trendy grunge bands are gone, while the guys who originally started the genre are still out there making music. Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, etc.

Notice a trend there? In the cases of both hair metal and grunge, the bands who started the genre are still around, while the guys jumping on the bandwagon disappeared after a few years.
We were way tired of glam metal, so a welcome change arrived. GNR weren't glam metal and neither were Metallica. What the new rock did was trim the fat- fringe bands like Cinderella, White Lion, Quiet Riot and Warrant no longer merited airplay while GNR did.

For all of those who think the mis-named alternative radio broke the grunge bands, nope, maybe Nirvana. It was the old AOR format that introduced us to Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots and Soundgarden. I was alive and around as it happened. The "I'm hip and you're not" crowd didn't know what to make of the non-Nirvana bands.
I love that hair metal died out. Grunge is so much better!!! Pearl jam, soundgarden, and Alice in Chains are still coming out with awesome new material.

Grunge has those awesome riffs and rough vocals that are amazing.

Grunge is way better than hair metal!!!
Hair metal killed itself....the whole scene just became cookie cutter, a mockery of itself.

Grunge just happened to be the anti hair metal. As soon as MTV ditched the Headbangers Ball and pushed 120 Minutes, and the opening chords of Smells Like Teen Spirit, hair bands were done. It was literally overnight.

And then by the mid to late nineties, grunge was done.