Why does every con-servative not allow email or any contact? Because they

can't argue in a logical manner!!? Well if a con-servative could argue maybe they would have SOMEONE representing them in government hahaha
Same goes with the liberals on here. Nobody allows
- contact
- pm
- seeing their answers
- seeing their questions
Apparently Stephen you can't either, since you don't allow email or IM. You want to dish it but you can't take it, coward.
Has it ever occurred to you that your worldview and theirs is so radically different that neither of you can logically argue to the other.

Conservatives are more time oriented than liberals. They don't allow email as it uses up their time, which they greatly value. If they wanted to hear from you, you would know.
Many people do not allow email contact because they do not want a lot of SPAM

I am a liberal. I no longer allow email contact because I received too much SPAM when I did allow email contact. I was buried in useless time wasting SPAM and I got tired of that very quickly.

(Edit:) I checked your profile.

I see that you do not allow E mail or Instant Messaging either.

If you do not allow Email, why are you complaining about other people that do not allow Email?

It sounds to me that you are living in fantasyland.
I did allow email but these chicken s**t's didnt leave a return link so i could return a pleasant response.besides,who wants to communicate with a bunch of hollowheaded tunnelvisioned minors anyway.i deactivated my link.
You're totally correct.

Republicans hate facts...they are against facts. 6% of scientists are Republicans.....that says alot about Republicans. Fox News for example takes one small part out of an article, blows it into proportions, and uses it to blame Democrats on a certain issue, not revealing the rest of the article to the public so we can get a sense of idea what the issue is even about. This is insane. Most Republicans are racists and they hate Muslims, Latinos, immigrants, ect. They are unreasonable and rude. They get mad pissed when you bring up a fact that's against them. They try twisting and turning facts. Rush Limbaugh called Michelle Obama a "monkey". Palin doesn't know if Africa is a continent, what Hamas is, Supreme court cases, nor does she read newspapers. Republicans are there because they want to succeed in business and not get taxed. They're ALL ABOUT MONEY. Republicans = irrational, money. Democrats = rational and looking at the broad aspect. The party is a joke. Its members are a joke and clearly racist (Rush Limbaugh). They're a party created for the sole reason to be against anything Democrats go for and for money.

Republicans will take a chapter of the Bible and try to impose it on everyone. What happened to the 1st amended Establishment Clause....seperating church from state?
They like to send vulgar emails to people whom they disagree with. That way they feel like they get the last word.

ExCel especially. That coward sends me an email twice a week asking me "if I'm still sucking penis". Go figure.

Flags of our Fathers is another example <waiving at Flags below>. I called him a racist inbred, and he immediately blocked me with a vulgar email to follow. Seems like I hit a nerve with that one too.
Smart people don't make their contact info available to those who are....ummmmmmm..."a coupla' fries short of a Happy Meal"...as others have pointed out - need a reason, look in the mirror.
I allow email always have. Once again judgement from those unfit...like Sotomayor. Add how come you do not you 100 point troll.
Spoken like so many other of the modern-day walking dead, uninformed liberal zealots! In case you haven't noticed, an empty suit president and partisan congress have driven our country to the brink of economic disaster. Sorry, you can't blame Bush for this as both houses were afflicted with majority democrat numbers during the last few years of his administration as well. They also controlled the financial committees that garnered all-time low public approval ratings (but give BO and his cronies time). Now then, what was your rant about?
TO ND FAN and PLUMMET: Well-said, but sadly your logic tends to fall on deaf, left-wing ears!
I don't want to be bothered constantly by the likes of Scott White and all the other nutcases out there.
There is no hyphen in conservative
I suggest hooked on phonix.

I'll discuss with you, but not argue. Warning though, I am a smart a$$ but if you want a civil convo say so.

[email protected]