Why does Dish Network programming suck so bad ?


New member
Jun 9, 2008
200 channels, 18 are duplicated, 12 are local and network (duplicated again) and nearly 75 are paid programming 24/7. 7 are channels in a language I don't speak. And the rest are MUSIC channels.
I don't pay for Satellite Television to get radio channels, I have a radio for that.
And another 40 or so are random sports events, I hate sports. The History Channel is always giving me this error "The satellite signal has been lost... Please WAIT....." every night lately... So out of all those channels, the one I prefer to watch doesn't work when I have time to watch it, anyone have better luck with Direct TV ? I am about to switch, but I don't like the idea of giving them access to my bank account to bill me whatever they feel like billing me.
answer, it is all the same..dtv, dish trust me i have installed them all over the last 17 yrs.