Why do women (as a group) complain so much about not being equally respected by...


New member
Dec 27, 2008
...society as men? Considering that they obviously realize how much less women contribute to society as men.

It's not like women are out there running the world and establishing world economies and heading major technological revolutions or providing governmental leadership or even entertaining the world. -Women have babies (which is a big contribution)... yet after that contribute almost nothing to the world, in comparison to men. What in the world is it that makes women think they should be equally respected with men? I don't see it.
I mean imagine for a second if women and men really were equal (say that men only had the abilities of women). If this were the case, we'd probably be 3-4 thousand years in the past as it pertains to technology or disease control, education, world economy and industrialization, and perhaps a few more areas.

Women should be thanking us all, and we all should be thanking women that society DIDN'T consider them as deserving equal respect with men. - How much further behind would we have been had this been the case?
"Women contribute just as much as men in science, technology, and business"

... uhh Zach, I guess I've been hiding in a different world than you because this is not descriptive of the one I live in.
Women don't contribute as much as men in those areas Zach, which explains why women look to date men who do. Women align themselves with men who make money and who control society because they themselves do not. If women contributed as much as men we'd have no notion of "gold digging" or chivalry- because women would be providing for men just as often as the converse. Obviously this is not the case however.
Allie and hunta, questions like these are reasons why womenn should complain more? What is complaining going to do about it- it's obvious there are millions of people who feel the same way I do, otherwise women would have been equal in all countries already. Why complain, why not simply contribute to the world and prove us wrong? Zach is delusional. A list of a few women mean nothing in respect to the countless men who have contributed to the world.
Jay I don't assume women to be mentally defective (in respect to men), but I do call em' like I see em'. I haven't been shown anything in my life which points towards women being as beneficial to society as men. The proof is in the pudding so to speak. As soon as women start showing that they can contribute to the world as much as men (and we're about 100,000 years in and counting- and still no dice) then we can all agree women are as able as men.
Jay, women could be twice as able as men- but if "opportunities" make it so women are not ACTUALLY producing as much as men, then it means that they are not as able as men. I really don't see how you can say that women are as able as men regardless of the opportunities or government or social constrictions. Right now women have even more rights than men and they still are almost negligable in the country's backdrop. What is it that women are relied upon to do even equally with men? Seriously, look at all of the most important areas of society we rely on everyday. Take the women out of control positions of: Sports, Science, Business, Government-- and how much would we lose? Now do the same with men (leaving only the women in these areas) now compare the effects. It's blatantly obvious here..
Women are just as equal as men, if not better. There have been enough changes in the world to realise this, women can do just about anything a man can. Its people like you, who don't yet realise this, that are stopping things of great changes from happening. Its people like YOU who make this world today i place of sexism. So because of people like YOU there will never be peace in the community. And because YOU think this way is probably why you seem to find that a lot of woman 'complain' .
Wow... Are you being serious or is this some misguided attempt at humour?

At the risk of sounding like a whining feminist you sure are sexist. Do you seriously think that women have some mental defect which makes them inferior to men? Unable to think as well as men? Purely there for 'having babies'?

The reason more women aren't in the high end jobs is because many employers considering applicants choose men over them because they don't to put a woman in that position if they will want to start a family in 5-10 years time.

Women are just as capable of anything men do and shouldn't be discriminated against purely because of their gender. You seem to think that something genetic makes men superior but really, it's only been because of the opportunities given to men in the past that has made them any different.

So many of the points you made are so fundamenally wrong. You cannot just assume that all women are inferior to men. In the past, religion/society have treated women as lower beings for no real reason and thus they have had less opportunities. Everyone regardless of gender, race or religion should be treated as equals and it is idiots like you who ensure women are even today discriminated against.
Questions like this are reasons why more women should be complaining. Your obvious sexism and lack of self-esteem are showing - otherwise you would not feel the need to say such offensive things.

Grow up.
Here is an article of a person who has contributed greatly to things we use everyday, although she is stepping down from her post. I think she's a little influential.
Questions like this are reasons why more women should be complaining. Your obvious sexism and lack of self-esteem are showing - otherwise you would not feel the need to say such offensive things.

Grow up.
Here is an article of a person who has contributed greatly to things we use everyday, although she is stepping down from her post. I think she's a little influential.