Why do white men complain so much but white women don't?


New member
Nov 7, 2011
I always see some white guys complaining about various issues like AA or victimization or race card..lol. But the women don't complain. Heck, even THEY were considered inferior (Women's rights in America)...but then again I've never lived with one...is it true?
@First Answer: lolol is that why you like men now?
inferiority refers to oneself and their onw inferiority, if u believe one is inferior then you yourself are inferior
White women complain constantly to their boyfriends / husbands. Trust me. That's why white men complain so much - cause white women are constantly complaining to them.
Because we're too busy working, taking care of our kids, and actively seeking to FIX the problems we see in the world, rather than just whining about them.
Because White Women are stronger than White Men. They run the show in the household. It's pretty much the same with Black Women only difference is Black Men won't stick around like the White Man will with his Alpha Women. LOL
What color is the sky on your planet? You can't be on Earth, because white women do nothing but b#tch about everything all day long here.