Why do we have celebrities in our universe?


New member
May 13, 2008
I mean I think about this a lot what's the point of having celebrities? Why are some people glorified so much in magazines, t.v., and such? I know some will say well b/c they did an amazing accomplishment or talent but so do doctors, firefighters, single mothers, and so forth. Why is it that whenever I go to a supermarket not caring about Kardashians and want nothing to do with that but when I'm check out there they are on 10 f-ing magazing about how Kim is getting fat being pregnant like wtf!!?! is dating such and such.. But it seems the world wants everything to do with it. I mean it's stupid honestly there's like no escaping it this stuff is on billboards and all sort stuff. To me there just another human so why is there a huge scale of Obsession?? it freaks me out honestly.