Why do teen girls complain whenever asked to do a simple chore?


New member
Sep 19, 2010
I was at my neighbor's house to give them their Christmas gift today, and their 15-year old daughter was complaining because her mother asked her to clean the dishes in the sink. She always complains whenver asked to do a chore, such as "Why do I have to do this?" or "Can't Amy do it this time?". I've been to their house many times, and this is not the first time she's complained about chores.
Amy is their 13-year old.
I think it depends a lot on HOW she was asked. I mean, if she was in the middle of something, and mom said, Do the dishes....right now... as in, drop everything and do it now, without any respect for her time or what she was doing?? Yea id be mad too. Especially if her little sister wasn't doing anything.

Otherwise.. I dunno. lazy teen? lol... say it isnt so?!
I've been asking that myself lately... I always do the dishes, but 90% of them are not mine, nor are they from meals. Be that as it may..

A child has the right to have their chores justified. Which is why many parents create a chore list and give allowances. Kids also have a knack for knowing who does more chores and who tends to skate past them.
That is such an overgeneralization, sorry. Just because the one thirteen year old girl you know does that, doesn't mean all of them do.

My daughter is thirteen, and asides from occasional whining, she's actually very active in work around the house.

As far as the girl you are talking about, she probably just feels like she has been things to do.
Because most teens would rather text,go out to places or do something else other then something they think is wasting there life.
We only complain because of the way parents ask. And sometimes we complain just because...there is no explanation. Well, I know the reason I complain is because my mom always nags me. If i don't get up to do it within a 5 second time frame, she comes back and yells at me. However, when my dad asks me to do something, he asks me and just waits until I do it. To me, it's just the approach.