Why do some portray Jesus Christ the Son of GOD, as brown or black? And...


New member
Nov 6, 2010
...then spout bigotry at all who know? IS THE FACT that black and brown people as many whites doe not know History is why?
Why? They do not know the truth of the Exodus of Jerusalem! Is because they do not know History or do they feel when they look at truth Jesus Becomes the White God of the Native American? What proof is there that those unmarred of Adam Exodus Jerusalem to points west? Titus in 70 AD attacked and destroyed Jerusalem and left not one stone upon another, AND DESTROYED the Temple in Jerusalem, this took place almost Forty years after the Lord Jesus Christ walked toward destiny; The Romans came upon Jerusalem and asked all there if they any wanted to leave to do so...and three million True of Adam {{Ezra 9:1-2 and Deuteronomy 32:8}} Exodus Jerusalem and founded many nations there after Such as Russia, Germany, England, Sweden and finally AMERICA....THE TRUTH cannot be bigotry, but denial of truth is ignorance and Bigotry/Racism....The Truth is Loose...for proof of Gods mystery being now finished go google Adam and Eve seed gathering medical ministry on the about page as the home page and services page literal images of death/satan now found by Gods science and all God has been waiting for before coming...it has begun His Epic gathering...HIS ANGELS PREPARE FOR COMING MATTHEW 13:49-50 {{this above question, and answer is for those blind people who authored lies to the question below trying to act as though they were anything but bigots}} such as this answer ...
Jesus was Arab, Bethlehem is in Palestine , the Romans were dark haired and olive skinned - read some History books instead of white supremacy nonsense

Why do some portray Jesus Christ the Son of GOD, as brown or black?
{{With the icons now found in Rome, and the Images of the Rome centurions now found, which show the original founders of rome as White as the founders of America, and as in America if one was to look now at this era, and president and other areas of America all in the future would believe America was founded by blacks! And even the Native Americans proclaimed their God was/is a White Man}} Lamentations 4:7 - And Her Nazarites were purer than snow they were WHITER than milk! Why do so many think if you speak the truth of Jesus's color you are bigoted, a Racist, truth cannot be bigoted it can only be truth! but if you say He is brown or black there is no discussion! Why do so many websites and organizations portray JESUS CHRIST as a brown man, or Black?
Archeology has proven time and again that the original founders of Greece and Rome and Jerusalem/Israel were Red haired as David and lambs wooled Haired as the Messiah Jesus Christ, even on the temple of Qumran the jewish sect of Priests the priest on the moral has Blond Hair! So why do so many deny He our Lord is white? Racism ignorance WHAT? For proof of the Lords now finished mystery and much on the Children of Adam and Eve unmarred who are being called by their God for This days Epic gathering go google Adam and Eve seed gathering medical ministry and on the home page as the about page and services page are many proofs...IT HAS BEGUN...
15 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.
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Erm... Israel is in the Middle East. People there are Middle Eastern (ie brown). J-sus was born in the Middle East. Therefore, J-sus was brown.
its because jesus was born in a country were there were black/brown people DUH-UH!! i learnt that in R.E. lol
White God of Native Americans? The "Native Americans" initially thought christians were stupid.!
Some one needs to brush up on their history!
Daniel 7:9 acts 8:26-36 rev 1:14 Lamentations 5:10 Amos 9:7. Explain how some of the oldest pics of yahoshua and Mary are black as night. Africa is where all civilization began look at Lucy. pre- hellinic greece was inhabited by Africans aegeans and the Hellenes did not come until 2000bc. cranofacial measurements prove that the modern Europeans are not one and the same. All the prehistoric skulls have extreme prognathism a common feature of blacks. they have also found paintings which display women with steatopygia another common feature of the African. How bout you try reading instead of speaking on stuff you have not researched.