Why do some people include gays and white women as minorities when they are not?


Jul 14, 2008
As a black I think only underrepresented minorities and foreigners should be called minorities and I won't consider white women or gays minority because their struggles are not the same as blacks and in some cases have the same or more rights (especially women when it comes to the law).

While the workforce is mostly white male alot of that could be attributed to the fact that men have more of a responsibility to work and provide for a family. People also tend to forget that white women because they are women get special rights (light not being punished the same for a crime, divorce law, not being included in selective service system). Also most voters are women and there are more females who attend college than males so I won't call a white woman a minority.

I won't consider gays one because they can choose their sexual preference and once they don't come out they won't be discriminated if they are white.

I find it stupid when other groups comnpare themselves to minorities especially blacks.