Why do so many atheists in Yahoo! Answers spend so much time in the religion section?

It puzzles me, since they believe they make their own meaning in life.

Is their meaning in life is to answer R&S questions sarcastically?

Seems like a good life time waster since 70-90 years is all you get to exist (according to them)
One: they are laughed out of the Science department.
Two: The " Golden mean ratio" has laughed them out of the Mathematics dept.
three: Some really bad actors posing as 'Christians" also haunt the R/S.
four: Where else have they got to go?
Five: some of them truly are looking, cough, Tao, cough, won't mention her name, cough, atheism, cough.

1) It's just so much fun
2) I meet a lot of really cool people here, of all different beliefs
3) I get have a lot of laughs because so many people around here are comedic geniuses (you have to have a sense of humor to figure out who they are though)
4) I learn some *stuff* once in a while
5) I am too attached to my contacts to be able to leave permanently

Is it a waste of time? Well I suppose I *could* be matching socks or scrubbing the toilet but I'd rather stick a newly sharpened number 12 lead pencil in my eye than do all that, so this seems like the better alternative :)