why do religous people think that there religion is the only on that is valid?


Apr 9, 2008
becuase its all the same thing brain washig as a could why dont they realise this
Oh, if only I believed in the spelling and grammar gods....if and only if.....I would have issues with you.
i can show you 3000 religions all of which say "mine is the only true one and the other 2999 are false - mine is the one true god and all the other 2999 are false" - so let's pick one at random and say we believe it - how do we justify that the other 2999 are wrong and if they are wrong, how much is a leap of faith that we apply the same criteria on the last one and judge it also false?
It's we're to think about that! I was sitting next to these Jehovah witnesses the other day and I couldn't help but think about how, according to them, since i am Christian, I was a false prophet to them! It's weird to think about that. Everyone thinks thy are right, I guess we will find out eventually. . . .
I contend that we are all atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours