Why do rednecks from upstate NY have confederate flags hanging from their...


May 13, 2008
...houses and on their pickup trucks? even if they have lived in NY for their whole life and so has their parents and grandparents?? is it a racist thing or what..I know these people, they don't have southern roots, they are just rednecks(Yes, NY DOES have a lot of rednecks)
Yes, they do it to flaunt their racism.Probably even more since Obama won the election. Ignore them like I do because they are the ones that are upset and stressed out about it.
That flag stands for independence, self reliance and compromised principles.
NAACP, LULAC and the American GI Forum all march under the Stars and Stripes, yet no-one recognizes it as a symbol of anti-white racism.

Free your mind, you have been sold a bill of goods by the the Left. That propaganda is sold to ignorant blacks to scare them into voting the "right way." Freedmen fought under that flag at Richmond and other battles.

Mr Kelly should know that the British military threat in Canada caused Lincoln to sign the bogus "Emancipation Proclamation" as a public relations move designed to fool the British public.

Because they probably figure the South will rise again and they'll want to be first on the bandwagon to get their brownie points. Funny, you see that sort of thing in your neighbor to the North, Canada and we had nothing to do with that conflict.


Michael Kelly
Fake NY cowboys. They were cowboy belts, cowboy hats, cowboy boots and Docker Pants!?! And thier trucks are always clean and made in Japan....

I respect a real redneck more...kind of :)
Because they're rednecks & they don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.