why do protestants disagree with catholicism?


New member
Feb 3, 2013
and protestants today call to the catholicism not christianity, when the protestants came from the catholic church and they took the Bible from the catholicism specially the new testament
The word Protestant refers to protest which goes all the way back to Martin Luther who protested against some Catholic teachings and practices most of which still continue.The top three complaints that Protestants have are the worship of Mary and dead people,the absolute power of the Pope who repeatedly has been proven wrong and shocking corruption :mad: which now is far worse than in the days of Martin Luther.
The protestants follow the real books of the bible and not the unverified apocrypha of the Catholic church
the catholic church allows idolatry, or at least they don't discourage it. they pray to the virgin marry, they repeat pre established prayers, they where corrupt back in the middle ages and maybe they still are, they where responsible for the inquisitions!
Being a southern Baptist, the main reason is that Catholics not only pray to Mary, but all of the saints. Nowhere in the bible does it say Jesus (or anyone else for that matter) prayed to anyone but god. Mary and the saints were sinners, redeemed by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ just like you and me.
It's a very interesting/ controversial topic. You're right, Protestants branched from Catholicism, so I don't understand sometimes why they say it is not christian. Catholics believe in Jesus, which makes Catholics christians. Period. There are aspects to be argued about, but the fact that it is believed that catholics are not christians is 100% wrong.