why do people still believe in religion?

ok..so tell me this, do you think its coincidence that the sun, the moon, and the earth are so well and perfectly aligned for nothing? something out there so big and precious gave us this life. I'm no skeptic nor atheist but i do believe that some higher power or God if you will gave us this life.
Do some more research, some religions actually contact nature spirits that physically manifest themselves in front of the summoner.

And sometimes people simply believe because of their own experience. You've gotta understand that there's no "facts", just evidence. Buddhists don't believe in any god but they believe in the afterlife. You can't "prove" the afterlife doesn't exist, so there are no, so called, "facts" against it.

Do more religious research.
Because people aren't completely rational.

Religion doesn't address itself to our rational side, but to our irrational needs and promises to fulfill them (like the need not to die, to be loved etc.).