why do people stare at breastfeeding mothers and then complain about it on here?


New member
May 25, 2008
I am a breastfeeding mum of a 4month old, and i am so sick and tired of people making stupid comments about how I should feed him in the loo or cover his face with a blanket... when i feed nobody can see anything at all, i dont pull my whole breast out and hold up a sign saying 'wooo look at me ive got my boobies out!' I do it discreatly and quietly, would u rather my son sat there screaming his head off whilst i finnish my dinner or let me feed him quietly and enjoy a relaxing meal? people need to grow up and help push nursing mothers confidence rather than putting us down, we are doing the best thing possible for our babies and we should be respected NOT PUT DOWN!!!
KIM- i do cover up, that is not what my question was about, if you read my question again it says that i do not get my breast out and wiggle it in peoples faces, i do not want the whole world and his wife seeing my breasts, but i refuse point blank to cover my sons face - its disgusting that some people think I should!!!!
So in response to ur comment, maybe u shud try reading better.
ENGLISH ROSE- humm so i should breastfeed but not in public?? How wud that one work then? Im only allowed out at certain times of the day?? for goodness sake people grow up... breast is best- if you dont like it stop looking- or put a blanket over your head- or better still U dont come out when breastfeeding women are going to be about, coz we certainly aint going anywhere!!
ok, the meal was simply a example, it shows how immature people really are.
another situation is when i am at the park or in the town and i sit on a bench and yet i still get pervs eyeing me up and moaning about the fact i shud do it at home, the reality is that no one can actually see anything, my top and my sons head make sure of that.... but cant u all give us nursing mums abit of slack ??
Oh and btw, it wudnt bother me if u picked ur navel or farted at the table, it is natural and im sure if u were to break wind u wudnt stand there yelling WOO IM FARTING u wud do it as discreatly as possible, the same as i do with feeding my baby
seriosly... more than 2people have compared breastfeeding with farting.... they couldnt be more different- breastfeeding- the baby is depending on its mother in order for it to survive!!
farting- my word do i have to spell it out? no one batters an eye lid when a toddler poops his nappy... so i seriosuly can not see how u are comparing breastfeeding with farting.
its fantastic to see at lot of people on here are all for breastfeeding- and for those who arent- DONT FRIGGIN LOOK- and how about U are the ones to throw a blanket over ur face when u r eating ur meal.... why the hell shud my baby ahve a blanket over him so that he can boil in the heat and make himself all uncomfotable, ive never actually had someone complain about me feeding him, just the stares- so now when poeple stare i ask in a loud voice if they would like a picture, usually gets people staring at them insted of me,
SO NO I WONT FEEDING IN A GERM RIDDEN TOILET AND NO I WONT THROW A BLANKET OVER MY SONS FACE!!! how about U simply stop looking a womens tits and concentrate on ur own life!!!!
PLEASE READ- i do respect people who dont want to see breastfeeding, if someone came up to me and said please could you not do that infront of me i may move somewhere else depending on how i had been asked, that is not what i am asking in this question, what i am asking is why do people stare and not say anything to you yet then come on here and make stupid comments!! please think twice before calling me names and judging me, and telling me to cover my sons face or use a toilet to feed, locking my and my son away for 30 mins isnt the answer
So true,people these days are so immature
i just dont think they want the public to see it all little kids
i thinks its stupid should be aloud it
First off......c.a.l.m down. I think you came on here hoping for tons of support, and got the opposite, and it's frustrating you. And I completely understand. However, it's quickly becoming a rant, and then *nobody* is going to take it seriously.

Since your a new mom, you probably think it's strange that so may people judge how you feed/parent your child. But believe me, no matter what you do, someone doesn't agree. I was at the mall yesterday with my 17 month old, in a stroller. I heard a women behind me say, "I think it's sad that women don't hold their children anymore!". Um, excuse me? I have a 22 pound toddler who DOESN'T want to be carried, and doesn't like carriers. So what other option did I have.
And, to you, breastfeeding is the only option for your child. So, let it slide off your shoulders. Because you have *years* of criticism a head of you... :)

WTF!!!! What weird ass plant are you from? Would you prefer for babies to drink COWS MILK instead of their natural mothers milk just so YOU don't feed uncomfortable? GAL