Why do people say you have to be interested in the same things to love eachother?


New member
Feb 24, 2010
I was talking to a girl about this today. Cause we are about to hook up in all. And shes like "I like you so much but we have like nothing in common" and im like "what do you mean" then she says "well I like heavy metal music and your into pink floyd and your more of a laid back person and im a crazy girl" and im like thinking to myself... Isn't it a good thing we aren't exactly the same? Cause that way we are always interested in eachother. lol I mean thats what I don't understand. The reason she still talks to me is obviously because she is interested in me cause we aren't exactly alike.
true, don't worry you 2 could be one of those couples that respects each other enough that differences are noticed but not a problem.
I think its better when you have at least some things in common, things to bond over. Without them its all mystery and differences and that makes it really hard to bond. Having some things different is a good thing though, if you're exactly alike then its not exciting or interesting at all.
Well what I can gather is that she means that people that are considering having a relationship, should have similar values and interests or other wise they wouldn't have much of a mutual bond between them other than the physical. Which to some extent I believe should be the case with couples. I mean at times it is great to have some differences in interests. But at other times if the differences are too great then it is very much like why are we even together? The same can be said of greatly differing values too. So she does have a sort of point in what she is talking about. But if you two are just hooking up then interests and such shouldn't even matter as it is a purely physical situation anyway.