why do people say it's okay to eat meat and eggs and hunt animals?


New member
Feb 3, 2013
If you studied biology in school you would know that there is a biological classification chart. It breaks down living and non living life into different groups. And nobody in the chart has the right to say it's okay to eat another species. Because if you did, then you would be saying it's okay for other species to eat people. That's part of what's wrong with the world. And that's why we need to stop killing and eating other species. knowing this, how can you say it is okay to eat meat and eggs. And to hunt and kill other life.

Other people know. And the people that are being killed and eaten need help. And this is one of the main reasons the world and life are in jeopardy.
I know you feel horrible about eating meat and eggs. Don't kill yourself. You were tricked into thinking that this was okay. Let other people know to stop doing this right now.
because meat and eggs is what is protein and man and women need protein
most of the meat and eggs are not hunted down but raised on a farm
I was raised on a farm and although my wife of 30 years is a vegan she still cooks meat and eggs for me
fish is good too
life is not in jeopardy because mankind eats meat and eggs
its in jeopardy because mankind turned their backs on God and are not following the Bible
I support your stance in regard to meat, but what is wrong with eating eggs?
They don't contain chicks anyway, if you don't eat it, it will simply rot, hens don't use eggs in any way.
Lady Gaga once said that killing animals for meat and clothes is wrong, and that she wore the meat dress to symbolize that.
I think she made a terrific point and, using that logic, I'm going to go and beat the shite out of some black people to promote anti-racism.

vegan Is An Old Indian Word For Bad Hunter
If we stopped eating meat, eggs etc. what do you think would happen to the animal population? If they were not farmed and left to run wild, what would they eat, where would they sleep? Eventually we would be over run with animals, then what?
So your saying all species should just eat plants? Which plants are technically alive too..So we should all starve then and have no life at all? It's the circle of life. We are presumed to be at the top of the food chain. We eat meat because it gives us the nutrients we need as omnivores.
What about your lot's brutality to harmless carrots, poor things that they are?

And when you sat we should stop killing other species, do you mean we should restrict ourselves to war and cannibalism?
because vegetables cause a high rate of food poisoning. see what eating veggies has done to you.
Outside of certain strictly defined legal and political contexts,
"Rights" are socially-constructed, METAPHYSICAL BULLSHITT.

"And the people that are being killed and eaten need help. "

Huh? Has there been an outbreak of mass cannibalism
in your town, or by "people" do you mean sheep and cattle?
We cannot eat rocks and sand. We survive by eating other species, even if only plants and fungi.
I would never judge an animal of another species for eating people. I would try to protect people; but I would not blame the animal.
As you know from biology, some animals are carnivores, some are herbivores, and some are omnivores.
Humans are omnivores. It is our nature to eat both plants and animals.
It is true that people can live either as carnivores (if they eat the whole animal, not just the meat) or herbivores. But humans are made for eating both.
When I die, I imagine I will be eaten by monera and plants, if not by animals.
Wouldn't the world be terrible if the animals and plants that die did not nourish others?