Why do people laugh at me?


May 11, 2008
I know I have low self esteem and I'm not the prettiest or the skinniest, in fact I'm down right ugly, but I believe people are laughing at me when I go to public places. Maybe I'm over reacting and maybe it's all in my head, but I can't shake it. Just the other day at Walmart two women walked by and one asked the other while pointing me out, "She have a man?" and the other responded with "Nope" and they giggled. Later the same day whle walking up a flight of stairs a group of 3 men watched me walk up, when I momentarily glanced back they all laughed.
It could be my weight, and I am heavy, but a month ago, a group of 3 large women stopped what they were doing to look at me and they all laughed as well. Could it be they're laughing at how I look? Or am I over reacting?
Yes, I do realize I could be over reacting. I do have a history of assuming things like this. But It's difficult for me to disclose that when these events happened, they were looking at me, and to confirm, there were no others around me.

I would send a picture of myself but to be honest, I would feel ashamed to show myself. I am somewhat willing to describe myself. I'm mixed and have tan skin. I am fairly short, and you already know the struggles with my weight. My skin, however, is very discolored. I have patches on my skin where it is darker then the rest of my skin. I also have a hormonal imbalance that causes, well.... I grow hair on my face...It's rather embarrassing. I do take meds for my health.

I hope that I can become healthy physically and mentally one day. But when things like this happen, no matter how good I'm feeling that day, it suddenly feels like a bombshell in my chest.
Aw thats really rude of them people but sweet you need a picture to put up so we know how you look :) and just walk and act casually from public
Yup. You're over reacting. We all did it. If you lost weight it would probably help, though, and make you feel better.
Hi kat ......when you are out in public go about your business and focus on the task at hand .. I speak from experience .... I had facial cancer surgery that left noticeable contour abnormalities on my face ....I used to look fairly handsome but now it is not the case...it has taken me years to relax in public even though some people grimace at my appearance ... I have a job where I deal with the public face to face ...I get nervous but I know my craft and I am very good at it ... if i do not act normal customers see my insecurities through my behavior and react negatively .... so it is the same for you I suppose ... if you look around at other people while out in public and they can sense your insecurities they will react negatively towards you ....especially shallow..insecure people who have esteem problems as well.......just be steadfast and act as cool and as confident as possible .. and you will eventually get through it easier ... you are not alone kat... good luck and have a good day ....
Ya need to embrace your inner diva and give them the finger snap. That is if they are really doing it and its not your insecurity takin over you. I think you should talk to someone face to face about this! Just remember that the definition of beauty is not just pretty faces and hot bods. (That is so shallow)
If they laugh at you for what's outside, they are just judgmental bitches trying to pull you down from reaching your wonderland.
In the mean time, if you are really committed in trying to shed some weight, (if you think it's what you want. No one can go against this. Definition of happiness is different for anybody) try some jogging somewhere without those bitches or join a fitness club or something
I used to be extremely overweight :O true story. I just ignored people and ran with my friends as frequent as I can. And now I'm slim
Firstly, I never assume anything is about me, unless it is said to my face. Then I consider the source, and how much their opinion means to me. Usually less than mine, when people are this cruel.

I am not sure if people are laughing at you, or you are seeing them in situations and assuming it is about you. Although these people seriously could be. Which is sad that they have nothing else to talk about or laugh at than you.

I would ignore them either way, it doesn't help your self esteem.