why do people hunt deer?


New member
Oct 20, 2010
I have a question for your hunters:

Why do you go out and actively hunt (shoot and kill) deer and geese and other such animals? I'm just curious. Does it give you a rush, and that's why?

I'm an animal lover, yes. But I completely accept hunting animals for survival (i.e you live in the woods). But I'm just having a hard time understanding city dwellers going on hunts for fun. Not hating or anything, just trying to understand.

Personally I think it is wrong to do so for a sport/enjoyment. All that it takes is imagining myself as the deer and getting shot in the chest out of nowhere and slowly bleeding to death for 5-10 min (I'm guessing some people kill quickly, and I'm positive many others let the animal suffer).

The one good reason I can think of is that hunting may be more humane than what these mass farms do to animals (keeping them in a cage all their life and then slashing their throats and letting them bleed out while their heart is pounding).

So don't be hostile :) Just want to know
There are many reasons people go hunting. Most go because they enjoy the challenge posed by hunting, the camaraderie of fellow hunters, love the outdoors and the many wondrous things you see when hunting and sometimes comical things you get to see animals do. Just being out there in that environment, to me anyway, refreshes my soul..I get to get away from phones, work and all the cares you have during the course of life. Harvesting an animal is just the icing on the cake. For me, and I think I speak for many many hunters, there is no hate, no animosity at all toward them. It's just a sport..and the meat I think is probably better for you than store bought. Ok... now you got my mouth watering...lol. It isn't easy to do..in many ways it's alot harder than the work I do every day (construction). If you were to put a price on the meat as opposed to beef and other store bought foods you'd be surprised at just how expensive per pound it really is. While it is true it does help cull the heard and that is a defiantly a factor. It's not the soul purpose why I, at least, hunt. While I'm not successful each and every time I have taken my fair share of all kinds of game. I pray to god I may be allowed to keep it up for many many years to come. I helps keep me young at heart.
It's the rush for me. I love the hunt, and the kill. It takes a lot of skill to put an animal down cleanly, and it gives me a sense of accomplishment afterwards. Plus, I think wild game (especially deer) tastes delicious. Try some deer n gravy one day. It's a little chewy, but way better than beef. Plus you can make shit-on-shingles with the leftover gravy. Toast some bread, add leftover gravy, presto: instant deliciousness.
the idea is three fold.
number one, it's to feed your family cheaper then if you were to buy meat from the store, it's also healthier since it's not filled with farming hormones and chemicals.
number two, population control is needed in many area where deer become too crowded, spreading disease and famine throughout the overcrowded population, it's more of a mercy kill since it prevents them from suffering from disease and starvation.
number three is it's bonding experience and accomplishment, many people have their sport, some like tennis, some like soccer/football, some like fishing/angling, some like hunting, it's just what they like to do.
it's very controversial, but as you perfectly stated it, it's definitely not as bad as what mega farms do to their animals and these animals have had a good life, in most cases with hunting, the kill is painless due to adrenaline and endorphins that flood the body after the shot, that animal is only working on instinct and doesn't know what's happening, it's better then having the time to worry and think"wtf is going to happen to me", with hunting, it's all over within a minute or less, sometimes instantaneous, with the animal passing out from a drop in blood pressure that happens very quickly, it's only inexperienced hunters that haven't learned properly or real a**holes that don't care for life that give us hunters a bad name.