Why do people complain so much about SOME of their tax dollars being spent on


New member
Sep 14, 2009
welfare? Aren't we supposed to work together to help the needy? I don't know much about taxes, but I'm sure it's going to worse places than welfare too. What's the point of bashing those on welfare when taxes really aren't all that much. I mean a lot of us are still living comfortably aren't we? I don't complain about the money they took from my paycheck. I still received more than enough to do what I needed to do at the time.

I know some people are struggling, but what's the big deal about helping others? Without welfare programs, the homeless # would sky rocket and many would die.

BQ: What is WIC? Is it a welfare program....and does welfare pay for college?
Elaine seriously stfu. I'm not on welfare. I'm writing a paper on it. I can see now you are one of those selfish people.
It is wonderful to help. It is. The more we help each other the better off we are. I'll tell you my experiences and all let you make up your mind.

Say you come from a welfare family should you be happy that people are looking out for you...yes...should you be weary that you are under their thumb and not independent...yes. Welfare should be temporary unless you have a real medical problem. But this isn't the case, many children of welfare think its normal and continue to life off the system...people call this sponging or not pulling your own weight. Its a status thing...

I had a job at a tax refund store and everyone was so adamant that they were owed something it was disgusting...the cry "give me my refund" was all i heard for months theye weren't greatful, they weren't going to change and they were smart...they new just how to work to get the most money and thats like being constantly on guard...so gratitude goes out the window and people feel entitled to be taken care of.

I'm conservative but I would like to see the government make some real changes...lets double the minimum wage and cut business taxes. Everyone could live off 600 a week and no one would make less than that. Business wouldn't lose money and the government wouldn't be buying votes with promises....

people need to work and work should cover basic expenses and more...but that isn't the case because you have people promising welfare which keeps the recipients "protected" Do you want to be protected....is that free is that good to have to be that way. Lets get rid of all business taxes and lets let business pay their workers more instead of paying government. Its impossible for a government to be for the people without controlling the people.

so helping is good, looking out for those who have less say than you and less you power than is what elected officials are suppose to do....but democrats are addicted to promising you something and republicans are too blind to real freedom. I think we have a better chance of getting conservatives to fight for us.

Have you heard of conservative wanting to give you something but an opportunity...lets make that opportunity respectful...lets get taxes for business to zero...lets let our employers give us the money not a government who dwindles away our hard earned cash on rediculous promises....

The truth is work needs to be acknowledge not governments. The truth is taxes take from everyone and become a source of "what we beg for" and I will not beg for what is already mine. when i own a business I will do well but my people, my employees will be glad to work for me they will know that i have deep respect for their efforts and that i want them to enjoy a life of work, family and their own fancy and for this they need a reasonable pay check and I could do that if 430 to 40 % of my company's earnings weren't going to welfare....in short you work week is your welfare this is what i think and this is what i'm selling.
Hun, don't even try to validate your laziness.

Get a job

[ABOVE; Darlin, maybe if she WORKED then she could AFFORD Day-Care for her children, and if she is a single mother than that is her own darn fault for choosing a man that she wasn't married to and that wasn't going to be there and trust me, darlin, there are signs to help determine whether a man is going to be there or not. But even if she was a single mother than she would most likely have family that could watch over the child and if she didn't, then well hun, I guess she just aint ready for a baby.]

Look at all these thumbs downs, I swear, society is losing it's morals and is hitting rock bottom. What a shame. Hell, maybe we should all quit our jobs and be lazy!!!!!
I believe there are people out there who need it....not everyone has the means to afford food. I worked as a case worker and lemme tell you, there are people out there in NEED. Some are just trying to cheat the system, that's true...and those are the people I hate and I declined with no hesitation. Some seep through the system...some who really need it can' get it because of some stupid law.

It's so easy to tell people to "get a job" but there are thousands of people who are on unemployment benefits. For MONTHS over a YEAR. That's welfare too. Get your ass up and get a job.
Yeah I always wondered why you people who supposidly have empathy are more bothered about moaning that tax will go to welfare or health care but not a word on the fact that is goes to war... (Iraq & Afganistan)

Some people have never been poor and can't fathom not being born into money. If people expect everyone to have jobs then why not support communism. that way everyone will have a job. People need to accept the fact that in any society there are going to be haves and have nots.

But the reason we have these programs is so our country doesn't turn into an anarchy. can you imagine a world without welfare. Which turns into who ever has the biggest guns gets the wealth.

Why do you think that rich people don't get robbed on a daily basis. Trust me its not because of your gay ass car alarm. Its because the poor trust the government to take care of them. And without that all I can say is good luck rich people tried to warn you
because life is not for free. everyone can and should contribute on some level. no person should be allowed to feel that they contribute nothing.