Why do people complain about men not caring about physical appearance,


New member
Sep 9, 2011
but when they do, they're called gay? Men who stay in shape, shave, and keep clean are labeled as gay, but people complain about the ones that don't. Don't you think this is twisted?
No the men that stay in shape, shave and keep clean are not called gay, its the guys that straighten their hair and put on eye liner and care way to much about what clothes they wear that are gay.
well there is the items you listed above..but then there is the ones that have a massive wardrobe, shoes, live for Starbucks time, and spend more on self care products than most women..those are "metrosexuals" Completely different than being gay. But I get what you are saying.

I have short nails, work as a mechanic, shaved head..ie: not "metro"