Why do my fellow Christians on answers.yahoo keep attacking atheists?


New member
Mar 18, 2009
These rabid believers clash with atheists knowing perfectly well that they are helpless to alter the ideological perceptions of their perceived foe. Why then, do Christians choose to partake of this exchange of bad blood? Because they're angry and they're frightened? Are they angry because atheists have the nerve to indirectly challenge our insecurely-held beliefs with our continued existence. Or are They frightened because they fear that they're losing their foothold on the theocratic monopolization of America (school prayer, Christian-oriented legislature, etc.)... an officially secular country?

When will we realize we're all stuck on this big ball together and we must work to set aside our differences and build a better future, because it's all that there is. That doesn't sound at all like the monstrous picture that's recently been smeared here by certain self-proclaimed loving Christians.