
  1. S

    Why do my fellow Christians on keep attacking atheists?

    These rabid believers clash with atheists knowing perfectly well that they are helpless to alter the ideological perceptions of their perceived foe. Why then, do Christians choose to partake of this exchange of bad blood? Because they're angry and they're frightened? Are they angry because...
  2. S

    Why do my fellow Christians on keep attacking atheists?

    These rabid believers clash with atheists knowing perfectly well that they are helpless to alter the ideological perceptions of their perceived foe. Why then, do Christians choose to partake of this exchange of bad blood? Because they're angry and they're frightened? Are they angry because...
  3. B

    Bittorrent sites. There I said it, BAN me Answers.Yahoo team (BT bigots!!)?

    why is it that whenever I post a link to any BT site, or even use the word bittorrent that my post gets deleted? IS BITTORRENT ILLEGAL ON YAHOO.answers board or WHUT?? Seriously, if you don't allow people freedom of speech that's really pathetic. It's not like i'm encouraging anyone to use it...